
The 10-year Passport is Here

The long-awaited introduction of the 10-year passport is here

HOWEVER: dual nationals will need to pay very close attention to their passport expirations, as noted.

A “verklaring bezit Nederlanderschap” is valid for only 10 years, and thus does not prevent loss of nationality if the passport expires.

More information: Kennisgeving 10 jaar paspoort (4 languages)

Best, Marc A. Al Consul
Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands c/o Stoel Rives LLP 33 South Sixth Street Suite 4200
Minneapolis, MN 55402
(612) 373-8801 (telephone)
(612) 373-8881 (fax)
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 19 March 2014 17:51 )

Consulate Contact Information

For information regarding visas and regular passports (including business passports) and to make an appointment to obtain a visa or apply for or renew a passport, please review information available at or contact the Consulate General in Chicago at 1-877-DUTCHHELP (1-877-388-2443).

Applications for visas and regular passports can no longer be submitted in Minneapolis.

For all other diplomatic assistance from the Dutch government, including emergency travel documents for Dutch citizens only, proof of life certificates (“attestatie de vita”), proof of residence certificates, and assistance in the event of hospitalization, arrest, or detention by immigration authorities, you may contact:

Marc A. Al Consul Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands c/o Stoel Rives LLP
33 South Sixth Street Suite 4200
Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 373-8831 (telephone)
(612) 373-8881 (fax)


Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
303 East Wacker Drive, Suite 2600
Chicago, IL 60601

(312) 856-0110 (24-hour emergency contact information for Dutch citizens available on the voicemail system)

Open weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and noon, except on Dutch and U.S. holidays